Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today I did my very first duathlon (and likely last) ever. It was 6km running followed by 18kms on the bike followed by 3 more running :o What the heck was I thinking of? I haven't trained properly or done anything. And it was a disaster. Mind you, I did it and it take a lot of gutts to do that but I found it very very very hard.

Paula and I went, as she was doing the children's event. So we left at 7am. Got there, it was all rush, put the bike in and got ready. I started out last and finished last... On the way I talked to Paula (yet again) about never quitting cause you never know how close you are to your goal and such. Well... I finish the running segment and the triathlon judge asks me if I want to continue... OF COURSE I want to continue... I haven't driven close to 2 hours to not continue, duh! So she said I was going at my own risk. To be honest (and I know this is PATHETIC) when I left with the bike, I had to wait because the first were coming back from the ride already :o and :( I set off to do it for ME and to set an example for Paula. Everyone was really nice along the way. I managed, I did it. Got off the bike... couldn't walk... that transition is always a killer for me. Plus my calves were so hard I couln't walk properly... so I walked most of the last running segment. A guy for the organization, Oscar, who has just become a dad 3 weeks ago, to AdriĆ , accompanied me on both running segments... what a blessing he was! A police rode his motorbike along me while biking for a while. He was very very sweet and encouraging :p

Anyway... crossed the finish line. The carpet was gone, noone was there :( So I'm not on any list but read my lips... I DID IT. I did not quit, and believe you me, it would have been so easy, specially with the invitation from the judge but no... I stuck to my guns and did it. I've got mixed feeling now though... I am extremely tired and can't really say I'm proud, then again... I hadn't trained and I had the gutts to get out there and get it done... don't know how many would have, had they been in my shoes...

So I guess I am a (poor) duathlete now... there's only room for improvement. By the way... the place was beautiful, very far away, but really priceless views.

I got sunburnt, BTW... not fun at all.

Then Paula did her bit with all her enthusiasm and all smiles... love my little girl! <3

Eva was there too and did a heck of a race. She's such a champ! Wish I could be like her, even if only a tiny tiny tiny little bit :p Two of her kids came too and did absolutely amazing in the race... so proud! They're so cute and so good! They make great friends :D

So, off to do some serious thinking. Things need to be done right, if not... there's no point really... so... onto the thinking game it is!

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