Friday, February 24, 2012


I know this has nothing to do in finding me but I am angry and need to get it out. Boy do I need to!!!!

It's about my darling daughter Paula. Ever since she was born she's been a fighter. She had to fight to live to begin with and since then she's always fought and she never gives up.

Well, she did her competition and did great but at the gym, a coach is being very mean to her, very mean (it's happened before) and she left anguished again today :( There really isn't any need to suffer and struggle this way, no need whatsoever. She loves her gymnastics and puts all the effort into it. And yes... she's a sufferer and struggles cause she's scared of some exercises, yet she works and works until she gets them. The one coach told her yesteday she didn't work and noone was going to help her. She didn't tell me until she (wasn't) got changed today. I just don't know how much more of this I can take. This was meant to be a simple after school activity. Noone deserves to be told nasty things. Whatever happened to positive reinforcement? Why must they be so nasty? Not because she's my girl... there are many many others... not fair. She's only 9. And she suffers cause she loves gymnastics and wants to achieve it all. She won't quit but I don't know if I'm ready to put up with it much longer... I actually told her off. I'm tired of this, yet she wants to keep going. She wants to overcome her fears and move along. I so admire that attitude. It says so much about her. Anyone else (and I know of quite a few) would have quit, wouldn't have bothered, yet, she doesn't quit, she works.

I love gymnastics, and I love my Paula more than I can say. I don't like seeing her suffer and I abstolutely can't stand someone being nasty to her when she's really trying. If she needs the reasurance, what's wrong in giving it her? Don't I pay for her to train?

So difficult. In a way I don't want her to stop doing gymnastics, as I love it and she's got good qualities but in another way... where is it going to lead her anyway? It's not like she's going to make a living out of it, is she?

Oh well... I've rambled enough and I'm also feeling better, LOL! One thing's for sure. I'll always be there for her, no matter what she decides to do :D

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