Thursday, April 12, 2012

18 years after...

Yep... 18 years... it had been 18 years since I had seen the Waldrons. John and Tricia Waldron live in South Burlington, VT and they had au pairs as their children where growing up. I happened to be an au pair in Burlington and became really close to their au pair Holly, from Notthingham. I used to go to Holly's quite often. Well... time has passed and I've been in touch with the Waldrons. Julie, who was a toddler back in the day, is now taking a Semester at the University in León and Tricia and John have come over to visit. Their last part of the trip took them to Barcelona. Tricia asked me if I was anywhere near... near??? You bet I am near so... we arranged to meet and yesterday at 6:45 I got to give them a huge bear hug.

It had been 18 years but it was like time had never passed... we just took it where we left it, as if nothing had happened... it was so nice, so great, so precious, so special... I am so happy we got to meet. It was so nice of them to tell me they were coming and if we could meet and it was just magic to meet them after such a long time and even more magic was the fact that the time didn't seem to have passed. I just love that!

So, we went for dinner, which they really enjoyed :D and then it was time to say goodbye... precious, to say the least... a day to remember, for sure, to treasure. We'll see each other again soon, that's for sure!

Thank you Tricia, John and Julie!

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