Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 14th, losing 26.2 :D
As I try to keep Juneathoning with my swimming, walking, running and so on, I have just found what I needed... a challenge... a weight loss challenge... throughout the Summer... let's get going!! Woohoo! Thanks Jess! This challenge comes precisely at the right moment! Woohoo! Bring it on!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Swimming clinic
We now have our proper instructor and boy can she push us. I love it. We worked lots on Monday and can't wait to go back tomorrow! She was looking at us and correcting our technique... great! Also, we did 20 more minutes... gotta love it! Hope we do more tomorrow too!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Cursa de Pineda - Juneathon continued
Sunday, June 10th, Pineda. The 10th edition of the 10K. The alarm goes off and I wonder wether to go or stay home. I am tired and haven't run since Sunday last week. I get up and go. I get lost within the small town of Pineda :p I finally make it to the start. It is very hot and humid. I find my good friends María and Mercè and we set off together. They run faster so they go, but I catch up with them. In the end, Mercè came in 59 seconds before me and Maria just 10 :D Happy with it! I walked part of it. I think my mind won the battle but it was great 1:08:01 in the end. Not the best but hey... good enough... and I wasn't last either :D.
So, what's next?
Let Juneathon continue!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Day 7
Just walking today, which is good enough I think. I have been sleep deprived lately and I am very very tired so my 3kms today feel great!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Juneathon Day 6
Well... I keep moving here, there and everywhere!
Second day for my swimming course today. I did over 1000m altogether but lost count. It was great. I did 50 more meters than everyone else in my group as I swam (amazingly) faster than they did... had a lovely time. I'll continue next Monday! 6 more sessions to go!
I went to the orthopedic doctor to pick my new inserts today. I've been wearing them and my foot doesn't seem to wobble too much, wich is obviously fantastic! They don't feel weird or anything so I'm very very happy! I'll wear them tomorrow again and will try a little run in them and then just wear them Fri and Sat and if they feel right, will wear them on my 10K next Sunday! Yay!
Loving Juneathon... the push I needed it!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Weight loss?
I know what to do. I've been really good for 4 months and all of the sudden... I can't seem to be able to control myself. I need to lose lots and I want to do it. I'd like to feel good and not ashamed... I can do it... What to do... what to do... what to do... how to do it? Talk about the milion dollar question ;)
Stationary bike today for Juneathon today :D
It was 11pm already and feeling guilty about my eating... had some chocolate in the afternoon and didn't manage getting any workout in... I guess that's what happens with a full time job and 3 kids among other things, right?
Well... I wanted to watch a documentary on sea water, so I jumped on the stationary and rode it while it lasted. Not too many kms but more than I would have done, had I just stayed sat down... so, keeping up with the Juneathon wonderful challenge! 9kms in 30 minutes... the idea was just to move not to go any specific distance. I don't know how long it had been since I used my stationary so I'm quite happy... thinking of using it more as I am about 7 weeks out from my first triathlon of the season :D So I will find it easier (maybe) to get on my road bike :D
I didn't use a tech shirt... what a mistake... I'm soaked through... it is soooooooooooo hot... sweat started pouring off me (which I gather is good :p) so I better go get changed!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Swimming course
Finally here... it started today... a swimming clinic for triathletes to improve technique... they really made us work hard but it was great! Loved it! A great way to keep moving!
5 girls, 10 men and everyone very good... eek! Too bad it's only during June... I think I will be learning lots, yay!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Cursa a l'Alba
This am, Paula and I went to Salt. The Cursa a l'Alba was being held so we headed there. I didn't know if they'd let Paula run but we had no problems. We set off before the gun and by K2 when they got us, I let her go as I knew she's be sorrounded by people at all times. BTW, I got brave enough to just wear my sleevless t-shirt... not a nice sight but it was very hot ;)
I was doing great (for me) up to k6 but then my knee started playing up. I tried changing my stride but in the end nothing... I managed to finish well and Paula was already waiting for me... what a champ... her very firs 9k race and she never stopped... she does gymnastics so, it's even more amazing that she never stopped and also... she was the youngest runner in the 9k event :D
So there... one more to go and a few more miles to count towards Juneathon! Bring it on!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Nocturna Germans Sàbat
Finally... after 3 years trying to do it, I maganed to go to this "night" race. The info said 6,4k but is was 5,55k. After a very hectic and stressful day, my daughter and I went over, met lovely people, as usual and got going. She did so well... I realize I am stopping her but she stays with me (I don't let her go as I don't know the place well and don't like not knowing where she is...) The second hill comes and I tell her to keep going, I will walk the hill. She takes off and boy oh boy... she's such a champ! She's only 9 and a gymnast, not a runner but she gives it all and finished well ahead of me!
Here are a few of us before the start. Xevi always takes a photo. We got lucky and were there :D
We power walked in the am too, woohoo! And a 9k tomorrow morning and it's midnight now... so I better get going to bed :p
Happy Juneathon! Bring it on!
Needed something to get motivated, not that I haven't been but to keep me going to, there I go... Juneathon... such a wonderful idea!
So there... stair climbing yesterday, walking lots so far today and a 6,5k race in the evening, yay!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Leeds Half Marathon recap (about time too!)
Gosh! Can't believe I've been too busy to post... it's been over a month and a half... eek!
Anyway... lots have gone on... Paula's 3rd competition in which she did great and had lots of fun! Fun races for all 3 kids, interviews with kid's teachers, all great BTW :D, all 3 kids going off to camp with school... bliss! 3 days, 2 nights!
On April 22nd, the day after Paula's 3rd competition, the Cursa dels Bombers was held in Barcelona. It's my favourite 10K... 25000 runners took Barcelona... it was amazing, plus I had to do 23km that day as my training for my upcoming half marathon in Leeds! The race was great, as usual, top marks for a perfect organization... amazing, though, how in between so many people you can feel so alone... :p I ran Bombers in 1:08:16 (1:10:10 in 2011), not great but I'll take it! The previous week, I run a 10k here in Girona inn 1:07 something. Happy! All the training was starting to pay off!
On May 1st I went to do the Marxa Popular de Bordils, a 12k trail run. Beautiful. Did great for me... I don't remember how long it took me but it was really nice. Enjoyed it very much but had a scare. At around km 10,5 and out of the blues I started having this pinching pain on the outside of my right knee. I kept running but the pain got worse and worse. Didn't know wether to stop or keep going as I was so close to the end. I kept going and eventually, the pain wore off. I made it. I was very happy. Went home but once back I could tell something was wrong with my knee. It even felt tender to the touch. Spoke with my wonderful doc and he said it was overuse. We did laser sessions and the pain went but it would come back at times when running...
I went to Leeds... we left Saturday am. Paula came along as well as Fiona with Lisa & Harry and Dani. We landed, got our car and headed to Leeds... run around in circles trying to find the hotel, LOL. In the end we got there. We left everything at the hotel and headed out the check the city. We did a bit of shopping and then went to the pool at the hotel and out for dinner.
I had a bad night... something didn't sit well in my tummy and was sick at night. I had no wish to run in the am :( Could hardly eat breakfast and felt no emotion when getting to the race site and seeing all the other runners. Eventually we made it to the start. I decided I'd stop if I had to. I was worried about my knee too. The gun went and we got going and surprisingly enough I started to feel ok. No mile markers to be seen anywhere which helped big time if I may say so. I was guided by the water stations ;) I had my Garmin on but didn't want to check it :p
So I went and went and went over those long long long and steep hills and made it to the end on a very hot Sunday am in Leeds... I crossed the finish line in 2:30:35 with Paula&Harry... priceless!
Got my bag and while deciding what to do, we were just stood there. My knee held well all the race. When we decide to go back to the hotel for a shower etc, it was like having a knife poked through my knee... ouch! But the race was over :D I had done it!
Back at the hotel I took my ice bath and stretched. Went for lunch and straight to the airport. What a great weekend... thinking ahead... what will be next???
Thursday, April 12, 2012
18 years after...
Yep... 18 years... it had been 18 years since I had seen the Waldrons. John and Tricia Waldron live in South Burlington, VT and they had au pairs as their children where growing up. I happened to be an au pair in Burlington and became really close to their au pair Holly, from Notthingham. I used to go to Holly's quite often. Well... time has passed and I've been in touch with the Waldrons. Julie, who was a toddler back in the day, is now taking a Semester at the University in León and Tricia and John have come over to visit. Their last part of the trip took them to Barcelona. Tricia asked me if I was anywhere near... near??? You bet I am near so... we arranged to meet and yesterday at 6:45 I got to give them a huge bear hug.
It had been 18 years but it was like time had never passed... we just took it where we left it, as if nothing had happened... it was so nice, so great, so precious, so special... I am so happy we got to meet. It was so nice of them to tell me they were coming and if we could meet and it was just magic to meet them after such a long time and even more magic was the fact that the time didn't seem to have passed. I just love that!
So, we went for dinner, which they really enjoyed :D and then it was time to say goodbye... precious, to say the least... a day to remember, for sure, to treasure. We'll see each other again soon, that's for sure!
Thank you Tricia, John and Julie!
It had been 18 years but it was like time had never passed... we just took it where we left it, as if nothing had happened... it was so nice, so great, so precious, so special... I am so happy we got to meet. It was so nice of them to tell me they were coming and if we could meet and it was just magic to meet them after such a long time and even more magic was the fact that the time didn't seem to have passed. I just love that!
So, we went for dinner, which they really enjoyed :D and then it was time to say goodbye... precious, to say the least... a day to remember, for sure, to treasure. We'll see each other again soon, that's for sure!
Thank you Tricia, John and Julie!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Road to Leeds well on its way!
Today is Monday. Program called for a long run on the weekend but had a 9 miler race today in Canovelles, so I moved the 10 miler to today. I ended up not going to the race but decided to run closer to home, just my own route.
Gas is really expensive and being Easter Monday and having the "mona" tradition here, the race was interfering in the family schedule.
So, I had to do 10 miles. Out I went not really knowing where I'd go and decided the route as I went along :D It was cloudy and not hot so it was sort of perfect for running :D
Ended up doing 10.9miles or 17kms 550m. So happy and proud with what I did... amazing! That's actually the training next week called for :O Oh well... now I know I can do it... I think I will be able to do the Leeds half quite ok. I am feeling confident :d
I also tried the fueling. No sports drink, only an energy gummy from PowerBar before starting, another at km 6.5 and a Powergel at 9kms. A bit of water. Worked out fine for me. To my surprise my last kms were the fastest, LOL! The only, a part from another under 7 minutes, LOL!
Leeds... here I come!
Gas is really expensive and being Easter Monday and having the "mona" tradition here, the race was interfering in the family schedule.
So, I had to do 10 miles. Out I went not really knowing where I'd go and decided the route as I went along :D It was cloudy and not hot so it was sort of perfect for running :D
Ended up doing 10.9miles or 17kms 550m. So happy and proud with what I did... amazing! That's actually the training next week called for :O Oh well... now I know I can do it... I think I will be able to do the Leeds half quite ok. I am feeling confident :d
I also tried the fueling. No sports drink, only an energy gummy from PowerBar before starting, another at km 6.5 and a Powergel at 9kms. A bit of water. Worked out fine for me. To my surprise my last kms were the fastest, LOL! The only, a part from another under 7 minutes, LOL!
Leeds... here I come!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Well... it is Saturday again so it is weigh in day... a bit nervous about it. I am being good and exercising but... I do feel less bloated but then again last week I saw a "gain" of +700gr so I was cautios. Being on holiday this week, I've been eating what the family eats but not overdoing it... well... I can report a -1.1kg loss this week! Woot! That puts me at -5.3kg lost... still ways to got but I will get there... slowly but surely which is probably the best way!
Anyway, 10:35am... time for breakfast and must fit my 3miler in today at some point.
Keep it going!
Anyway, 10:35am... time for breakfast and must fit my 3miler in today at some point.
Keep it going!
Friday, April 6, 2012
*New* bike :D
Finally! I finally got to get out there (although very briefly) to try out my *new* bike. And I say *new* because although it is new to me, it is a second hand bike.
This is my very first road bike and I am so excited! I sure hope I can tell in the triathlons I set out to do next Summer!
So I went out today just to try it outside the garage, LOL! I went to this little closed road where I wanted to try it but then decided to go around town as it is a holiday today and there hardly was any traffic!
So I went, very carefully as I have no control on this bike yet (obviously, being my first time... ) So I tried changing gears to see what felt most comfy, what to do and when. I only went a bit over 5.5kms so I didn't really have time to try it all but I got a good taste of it! Even my chain came off and to my surprise I was able to fix it on my own :D That was a proud moment for sure!
This is me and her after fixing the chain:
Oh yes, and after taking my jacket off and having my hair in a mess, etc. :p
It was a nice experience... so different to the mountain bike... so much lighter and faster. I hope to get used to it and be able to go on longer and longer rides... mind you... it isn't too safe to ride around here (or anywhere) so I'll have to think carefully where to go. With the mountain bike I just hit the bike path and that's it, but now I have to be on the road so that will take some planning!
Happy biking to me! Let the season begin!
This is my very first road bike and I am so excited! I sure hope I can tell in the triathlons I set out to do next Summer!
So I went out today just to try it outside the garage, LOL! I went to this little closed road where I wanted to try it but then decided to go around town as it is a holiday today and there hardly was any traffic!
So I went, very carefully as I have no control on this bike yet (obviously, being my first time... ) So I tried changing gears to see what felt most comfy, what to do and when. I only went a bit over 5.5kms so I didn't really have time to try it all but I got a good taste of it! Even my chain came off and to my surprise I was able to fix it on my own :D That was a proud moment for sure!
This is me and her after fixing the chain:
Oh yes, and after taking my jacket off and having my hair in a mess, etc. :p
It was a nice experience... so different to the mountain bike... so much lighter and faster. I hope to get used to it and be able to go on longer and longer rides... mind you... it isn't too safe to ride around here (or anywhere) so I'll have to think carefully where to go. With the mountain bike I just hit the bike path and that's it, but now I have to be on the road so that will take some planning!
Happy biking to me! Let the season begin!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Road to Leeds!!!
I managed my 8 miles on Sunday and it was great. It wasn't super fast but it was! I was so proud of myself too! I drove to Banyoles and went 2+ times around the lake to cover de distance, 8,5miles total!
Monday was rest day and yesterday I had to do a 3 miler so after I dropped the kids off at camp I got going. To my surprise, my 3 year long injury, haunted me back, or that pain, at least! I had to stop after having run a bit over 2kms. I did manage all 3 miles but combining walking and running but was upset.
I e-mailed my wonderful doc and told me to go see him and so I did. It happens to be a varicose vein on my ankle, ouch! He massaged it and boy oh boy was it painful! And all along the way too! All throughout the course of the vein. Still painful today but think I'll be able to pull my 5 miler tomorrow. If I can't run straight, I'll run-walk... no problem! I've been icing it and hope that does the trick!
Bad timing for this to happen. He did say I had bad flow return, from day one and now it's worse, specially now that the heat's arrived. Anyway, glad it wasn't an injury per se but hoping the pain goes away too!!!
So... road to Leeds it is!
I managed my 8 miles on Sunday and it was great. It wasn't super fast but it was! I was so proud of myself too! I drove to Banyoles and went 2+ times around the lake to cover de distance, 8,5miles total!
Monday was rest day and yesterday I had to do a 3 miler so after I dropped the kids off at camp I got going. To my surprise, my 3 year long injury, haunted me back, or that pain, at least! I had to stop after having run a bit over 2kms. I did manage all 3 miles but combining walking and running but was upset.
I e-mailed my wonderful doc and told me to go see him and so I did. It happens to be a varicose vein on my ankle, ouch! He massaged it and boy oh boy was it painful! And all along the way too! All throughout the course of the vein. Still painful today but think I'll be able to pull my 5 miler tomorrow. If I can't run straight, I'll run-walk... no problem! I've been icing it and hope that does the trick!
Bad timing for this to happen. He did say I had bad flow return, from day one and now it's worse, specially now that the heat's arrived. Anyway, glad it wasn't an injury per se but hoping the pain goes away too!!!
So... road to Leeds it is!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
The Jelly Bean Fun Run!
Hello April!!!!! Hello Spring! It is so nice out there... gotta love spring weather!
It is April 1st and time for the Jelly Bean Virtual Run... up at 7:15 and off to Banyoles (paradise!) for my run... Gosh, it was amazing! Such a beautiful day, lots of runners, walkers and bikers out there, rowers on the lake... simple amazing!
I run my 5 and my 10k and then I set off on the bike... so nice!
37:00 for the 5K... within my range... I run-walked at a 30:30 ratio the first km and then run the rest... very happy!
1:13:14 for the 10K... pretty good (for me, not that it is a great time, we all know it isn't)
And... 1:01:22 for the bike ride... have to admit I was pretty tired after the running, LOL!
All the training fits great in my half marathon training. I will be going to Leeds, in the UK to run the half marathon there, on May 13th... time to get serious! Amazing how it's made me be consistent with my training. I want to finish that half (will be my 3rd) in good condition, unlike the other 2 :p
Thanks Jess for setting up such a fun race. It sure was fun out there. My bib got "ruined" with all the water/sweat but took more photos at home with an extra bib I printed :D
It is April 1st and time for the Jelly Bean Virtual Run... up at 7:15 and off to Banyoles (paradise!) for my run... Gosh, it was amazing! Such a beautiful day, lots of runners, walkers and bikers out there, rowers on the lake... simple amazing!
I run my 5 and my 10k and then I set off on the bike... so nice!
37:00 for the 5K... within my range... I run-walked at a 30:30 ratio the first km and then run the rest... very happy!
1:13:14 for the 10K... pretty good (for me, not that it is a great time, we all know it isn't)
And... 1:01:22 for the bike ride... have to admit I was pretty tired after the running, LOL!
All the training fits great in my half marathon training. I will be going to Leeds, in the UK to run the half marathon there, on May 13th... time to get serious! Amazing how it's made me be consistent with my training. I want to finish that half (will be my 3rd) in good condition, unlike the other 2 :p
Thanks Jess for setting up such a fun race. It sure was fun out there. My bib got "ruined" with all the water/sweat but took more photos at home with an extra bib I printed :D
Yesterday was weigh in day. I have been so good with my eating. I eat sensibly. I eat very few carbs, I exercise... I passed on cakes on Monday at school. It was chocolate day and we, the teachers, were the judges. Didn't try one although the chocolate smell chased me all day. There was cake for snack on Friday. I never went near it. I haven't had fast food since January, when I started trying to control my eating... well... and the reading on the scales yesterday was +700gr (about 1 1/2lbs), WTH???? I was upset, of course! What am I doing wrong? I've only just started, it CAN'T be a plateau, can it???
So, a 9lbs loss for a total, when last week I was at 11lbs lost... oh well... time to stick to it and keep going. Hopefully the weight will end up coming off!!!!
So, a 9lbs loss for a total, when last week I was at 11lbs lost... oh well... time to stick to it and keep going. Hopefully the weight will end up coming off!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Bumps/Hurdles along the way
Yes, I am determined and nothing is going to stop me but today was one of those uh-oh days... after work I came home quickly and got changed straight away to go for a run before the kidlets got home. I went over to the bike path. It was loaded with people: runners, walkers, bikers... lovely! It was a beautiful day too :D
I set out. I had to do 4 miles today as my training plan says, towards my half on May 13th. Well... at the very beginning it went well but after that I felt I was dragging myself all the way and like I was running in place... it was hard. There was a strong head wind on the way there too. Anyway... I did get 6.780 in between walking and running but my running pace was very slow, averagin 7:14 I think... oh well... guess next one will be better.
Must not take my eyes off my goad. It will happen... still lots of weight to lose and getting back into training regularly... some days are good and some days are... better!
Watch Cool Runnings at work today. I love that movie. Love the message and love it when the "coach to be" says "do the words give up mean anything to you?" And he answers: "NOTHING.AT.ALL"... gosh... love that guy!
Keep going, keep going, keep going!!!
I set out. I had to do 4 miles today as my training plan says, towards my half on May 13th. Well... at the very beginning it went well but after that I felt I was dragging myself all the way and like I was running in place... it was hard. There was a strong head wind on the way there too. Anyway... I did get 6.780 in between walking and running but my running pace was very slow, averagin 7:14 I think... oh well... guess next one will be better.
Must not take my eyes off my goad. It will happen... still lots of weight to lose and getting back into training regularly... some days are good and some days are... better!
Watch Cool Runnings at work today. I love that movie. Love the message and love it when the "coach to be" says "do the words give up mean anything to you?" And he answers: "NOTHING.AT.ALL"... gosh... love that guy!
Keep going, keep going, keep going!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
That's it. I am right on track. And I am DETERMINED to get to the end.
I volunteered at the Barcelona Marathon today... wow... what an amazing experience! It was great... a neat way to approach the marathon... I loved it. It was fun. Hard work but fun. I have no voice. The bibs had their names on so I cheered on as many as I could... AWESOME! I got a sunburn as well but hey... such is life, LOL!
My goal is to run the Barcelona Marathon (my debut) in 2013. And the date is set: March 17th. I think registrations open tomorrow... I'm in.
First things first, obviously... losing the weight. I am doing a good job I think. Slowly but surely :D And then build up. Signed up for the Leeds Half Marathon on May 13th... can't believe it... my 3rd already! Wow! And training for it I am. This time I will NOT undertrain or just give it a try. I am doing it right this time around. Yes I am! it is going to be a blast... I just know it! Bring it on!
So there, determined to lose the weight and do strength training and determined to run that marathon. Start slow and easy to build up and not get injured and take it from there! Here I come!
I volunteered at the Barcelona Marathon today... wow... what an amazing experience! It was great... a neat way to approach the marathon... I loved it. It was fun. Hard work but fun. I have no voice. The bibs had their names on so I cheered on as many as I could... AWESOME! I got a sunburn as well but hey... such is life, LOL!
My goal is to run the Barcelona Marathon (my debut) in 2013. And the date is set: March 17th. I think registrations open tomorrow... I'm in.
First things first, obviously... losing the weight. I am doing a good job I think. Slowly but surely :D And then build up. Signed up for the Leeds Half Marathon on May 13th... can't believe it... my 3rd already! Wow! And training for it I am. This time I will NOT undertrain or just give it a try. I am doing it right this time around. Yes I am! it is going to be a blast... I just know it! Bring it on!
So there, determined to lose the weight and do strength training and determined to run that marathon. Start slow and easy to build up and not get injured and take it from there! Here I come!
Monday, March 19, 2012
OMG... Leeds!
After my 5 miler yesterday, I'm still tired. I was actually dragging myself today, not nice, but I'm over it now, LOL! My back's given me a break too :D
I was e-mailing back and forth with my wonderful lovely brother and I told him about some races I am going to do and he said he wanted to check the Leeds half marathon. I said "Leeds, why?". He said someone told him. So I checked. It is on May 13th and 26 pounds per entry and 61€ per flight... well... he said he was getting flights and entries and then we'll see if we manage to go, OMG... I better get going... I so want to! Fits perfect again: flight Saturday am and back Sunday night... couldn't have it better... I sure hope we get to do it... YAY!
I have to get my back fixed but I'm starting training for sure, wether we go or we don't... it's a booster and it'll sure help with my weight loss... what else do I want? Well... Leeds... here we come!!!!!!!
I was e-mailing back and forth with my wonderful lovely brother and I told him about some races I am going to do and he said he wanted to check the Leeds half marathon. I said "Leeds, why?". He said someone told him. So I checked. It is on May 13th and 26 pounds per entry and 61€ per flight... well... he said he was getting flights and entries and then we'll see if we manage to go, OMG... I better get going... I so want to! Fits perfect again: flight Saturday am and back Sunday night... couldn't have it better... I sure hope we get to do it... YAY!
I have to get my back fixed but I'm starting training for sure, wether we go or we don't... it's a booster and it'll sure help with my weight loss... what else do I want? Well... Leeds... here we come!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I got up at 7:45am this morning to go to Valldoreix. Today were the 5 milles femenines de Valldoreix (women's 5 miler) and so I headed over. Went to the board to see what my bib number was and saw the profile of the race hanging... OMG... up and down with 2 1km long hills :O OMG... how on earth was I going to get through that??? Oh well... I was there so I might just as well do it ;)
The little girls set off, then the 2 1-mile races and finally, it was our turn. It was very very very hot and sunny. A bit windy too... it was lovely, and the area was beautiful :D
The gun went and we all started running, all of us girls. We took off going uphill to turn right almost inmediately to turn left to a huge hill :o Pulled that and then went downhill... I liked that, LOL! At the bottom of the hill, turn right and a huge hill again... oh dear... I managed to run to the top and from then on, slides all the way... eek! Until we got to THE hill... 1km long ahead of me... I run the beginning of it and walked exactly 257m of it, took off running again before the hill was over... so proud :D I walked the same distance my second time on the hill. We finished downhill (the 2nd hill we took at the beginning :D) which was lovely to then go slightly uphill at the end, by very slightly, I even managed a lovely pace at the end... very very fast for me and with good form (I think). Very very happy with my performance today and because I was able to change my form to go uphill rather well :D
It was hard but I think I did a heck of a job. My averabe was 7:15m/km... I know, nothing to be excited about but taking the walking away, my average running was always under 7 mins/km and that is amazing considering the amount of hills... no matter what the pace, very very proud and very happy... going back next year unless anything weird happens :D
Came back home to a sick Jan :( Took him to the docs as he was at 39.2 but there's "nothing" there so lots of patience and hope he's all better soon!
The little girls set off, then the 2 1-mile races and finally, it was our turn. It was very very very hot and sunny. A bit windy too... it was lovely, and the area was beautiful :D
The gun went and we all started running, all of us girls. We took off going uphill to turn right almost inmediately to turn left to a huge hill :o Pulled that and then went downhill... I liked that, LOL! At the bottom of the hill, turn right and a huge hill again... oh dear... I managed to run to the top and from then on, slides all the way... eek! Until we got to THE hill... 1km long ahead of me... I run the beginning of it and walked exactly 257m of it, took off running again before the hill was over... so proud :D I walked the same distance my second time on the hill. We finished downhill (the 2nd hill we took at the beginning :D) which was lovely to then go slightly uphill at the end, by very slightly, I even managed a lovely pace at the end... very very fast for me and with good form (I think). Very very happy with my performance today and because I was able to change my form to go uphill rather well :D
It was hard but I think I did a heck of a job. My averabe was 7:15m/km... I know, nothing to be excited about but taking the walking away, my average running was always under 7 mins/km and that is amazing considering the amount of hills... no matter what the pace, very very proud and very happy... going back next year unless anything weird happens :D
Came back home to a sick Jan :( Took him to the docs as he was at 39.2 but there's "nothing" there so lots of patience and hope he's all better soon!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Sunday last week, March 11th I went to Montornès. I had signed up for the half but hand't trained so I did the 5K. Cati stayed with me. She runs way faster than me so she went slower to run with me. I pushed it a bit not to make her slow that much... in the end... 30:53 for a 4.660km... over the moon with it!
I have only gone swimming once since and no running. Doing a 5 miler tomorrow... first time at the distance. Quite excited about it :D
Paula won her competition again. She did a wonderful job :D
After the race we went to a calçotada with my brother and lots of people. It was great! My eating went out the window from then til Weds but managed to get back on track for a 200gr loss this week!
I have only gone swimming once since and no running. Doing a 5 miler tomorrow... first time at the distance. Quite excited about it :D
Paula won her competition again. She did a wonderful job :D
After the race we went to a calçotada with my brother and lots of people. It was great! My eating went out the window from then til Weds but managed to get back on track for a 200gr loss this week!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
On the right path
Or so I think so :D
I managed a run during the week, just one, but that's more than I usually do. I did 6kms 330m on my run on Weds. It was nice. I was falling asleep at home. I had no energy, so I pushed myself and I'm so proud I did. I felt great after that.
This am, Paula and I went to Banyoles to do the "around the lake" popular race. The half marathon was being held too. Paula did it all running, non-stop. I'm so proud of her. And she finished way ahead of me :D I managed it all too, in my own pace but feeling very good, happy and proud.
I was very happy to be able to let people know I appreciated what they were doing. Some "grallers" were at the church at Santa Maria de Porqueres playing. It was lovely. I clapped and waved. They waved back. I could tell they were happy someone noticed they were playing. I loved the feeling :D Once our almost 6,5km were over, and on the way to the car, we stopped to cheer the half marathoners that were finishing already. It was amazing... I could see such appreciation on their faces (most, some couldn't care less). I told them how well they were doing and how they were all champions and heros... I would have liked to hear those words when I did the half. Their faces turned from "pain" and "agony" to a smile... another priceless moment for me.
I got to see lots of runners I know at the half... I was very happy to cheer them on. I also met a woman that was watching. We got chatting. She's a runner herself but was sick today and thus, she wasn't running, but her husband was. It was nice to talk to her.
I weighed myself yesterday, just as I do on Saturdays... I am proud and please to report yet another loss... -500gr, which puts me in -3,700 in a month and a half. Very happy if I may say so! Lots to go but on the right track for sure!
Speaking to that lady I think I found a spark and I'm still carrying it around... running well for an hour and a half gets you through a half, so... that's what I'm headed for :D I'll try to get out every day. Alternating walking days with running days. Let's see how much I can do :D Looking forward to it!
I managed a run during the week, just one, but that's more than I usually do. I did 6kms 330m on my run on Weds. It was nice. I was falling asleep at home. I had no energy, so I pushed myself and I'm so proud I did. I felt great after that.
This am, Paula and I went to Banyoles to do the "around the lake" popular race. The half marathon was being held too. Paula did it all running, non-stop. I'm so proud of her. And she finished way ahead of me :D I managed it all too, in my own pace but feeling very good, happy and proud.
I was very happy to be able to let people know I appreciated what they were doing. Some "grallers" were at the church at Santa Maria de Porqueres playing. It was lovely. I clapped and waved. They waved back. I could tell they were happy someone noticed they were playing. I loved the feeling :D Once our almost 6,5km were over, and on the way to the car, we stopped to cheer the half marathoners that were finishing already. It was amazing... I could see such appreciation on their faces (most, some couldn't care less). I told them how well they were doing and how they were all champions and heros... I would have liked to hear those words when I did the half. Their faces turned from "pain" and "agony" to a smile... another priceless moment for me.
I got to see lots of runners I know at the half... I was very happy to cheer them on. I also met a woman that was watching. We got chatting. She's a runner herself but was sick today and thus, she wasn't running, but her husband was. It was nice to talk to her.
I weighed myself yesterday, just as I do on Saturdays... I am proud and please to report yet another loss... -500gr, which puts me in -3,700 in a month and a half. Very happy if I may say so! Lots to go but on the right track for sure!
Speaking to that lady I think I found a spark and I'm still carrying it around... running well for an hour and a half gets you through a half, so... that's what I'm headed for :D I'll try to get out every day. Alternating walking days with running days. Let's see how much I can do :D Looking forward to it!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Jan's first gymnastics "competition"
My little cute Jan, did his very first gymnastics competition at the beginning of Feb in the nearby town of Sant Gregory. He did a heck of a job and was very pleased with himself, which is most important :D
First one is of his "team" and the coaches. He's the one on the left <3. The ones after are a few of the floor exercise he did!
First one is of his "team" and the coaches. He's the one on the left <3. The ones after are a few of the floor exercise he did!
Today I did my very first duathlon (and likely last) ever. It was 6km running followed by 18kms on the bike followed by 3 more running :o What the heck was I thinking of? I haven't trained properly or done anything. And it was a disaster. Mind you, I did it and it take a lot of gutts to do that but I found it very very very hard.
Paula and I went, as she was doing the children's event. So we left at 7am. Got there, it was all rush, put the bike in and got ready. I started out last and finished last... On the way I talked to Paula (yet again) about never quitting cause you never know how close you are to your goal and such. Well... I finish the running segment and the triathlon judge asks me if I want to continue... OF COURSE I want to continue... I haven't driven close to 2 hours to not continue, duh! So she said I was going at my own risk. To be honest (and I know this is PATHETIC) when I left with the bike, I had to wait because the first were coming back from the ride already :o and :( I set off to do it for ME and to set an example for Paula. Everyone was really nice along the way. I managed, I did it. Got off the bike... couldn't walk... that transition is always a killer for me. Plus my calves were so hard I couln't walk properly... so I walked most of the last running segment. A guy for the organization, Oscar, who has just become a dad 3 weeks ago, to Adrià, accompanied me on both running segments... what a blessing he was! A police rode his motorbike along me while biking for a while. He was very very sweet and encouraging :p
Anyway... crossed the finish line. The carpet was gone, noone was there :( So I'm not on any list but read my lips... I DID IT. I did not quit, and believe you me, it would have been so easy, specially with the invitation from the judge but no... I stuck to my guns and did it. I've got mixed feeling now though... I am extremely tired and can't really say I'm proud, then again... I hadn't trained and I had the gutts to get out there and get it done... don't know how many would have, had they been in my shoes...
So I guess I am a (poor) duathlete now... there's only room for improvement. By the way... the place was beautiful, very far away, but really priceless views.
I got sunburnt, BTW... not fun at all.
Then Paula did her bit with all her enthusiasm and all smiles... love my little girl! <3
Eva was there too and did a heck of a race. She's such a champ! Wish I could be like her, even if only a tiny tiny tiny little bit :p Two of her kids came too and did absolutely amazing in the race... so proud! They're so cute and so good! They make great friends :D
So, off to do some serious thinking. Things need to be done right, if not... there's no point really... so... onto the thinking game it is!
Paula and I went, as she was doing the children's event. So we left at 7am. Got there, it was all rush, put the bike in and got ready. I started out last and finished last... On the way I talked to Paula (yet again) about never quitting cause you never know how close you are to your goal and such. Well... I finish the running segment and the triathlon judge asks me if I want to continue... OF COURSE I want to continue... I haven't driven close to 2 hours to not continue, duh! So she said I was going at my own risk. To be honest (and I know this is PATHETIC) when I left with the bike, I had to wait because the first were coming back from the ride already :o and :( I set off to do it for ME and to set an example for Paula. Everyone was really nice along the way. I managed, I did it. Got off the bike... couldn't walk... that transition is always a killer for me. Plus my calves were so hard I couln't walk properly... so I walked most of the last running segment. A guy for the organization, Oscar, who has just become a dad 3 weeks ago, to Adrià, accompanied me on both running segments... what a blessing he was! A police rode his motorbike along me while biking for a while. He was very very sweet and encouraging :p
Anyway... crossed the finish line. The carpet was gone, noone was there :( So I'm not on any list but read my lips... I DID IT. I did not quit, and believe you me, it would have been so easy, specially with the invitation from the judge but no... I stuck to my guns and did it. I've got mixed feeling now though... I am extremely tired and can't really say I'm proud, then again... I hadn't trained and I had the gutts to get out there and get it done... don't know how many would have, had they been in my shoes...
So I guess I am a (poor) duathlete now... there's only room for improvement. By the way... the place was beautiful, very far away, but really priceless views.
I got sunburnt, BTW... not fun at all.
Then Paula did her bit with all her enthusiasm and all smiles... love my little girl! <3
Eva was there too and did a heck of a race. She's such a champ! Wish I could be like her, even if only a tiny tiny tiny little bit :p Two of her kids came too and did absolutely amazing in the race... so proud! They're so cute and so good! They make great friends :D
So, off to do some serious thinking. Things need to be done right, if not... there's no point really... so... onto the thinking game it is!
Friday, February 24, 2012
I know this has nothing to do in finding me but I am angry and need to get it out. Boy do I need to!!!!
It's about my darling daughter Paula. Ever since she was born she's been a fighter. She had to fight to live to begin with and since then she's always fought and she never gives up.
Well, she did her competition and did great but at the gym, a coach is being very mean to her, very mean (it's happened before) and she left anguished again today :( There really isn't any need to suffer and struggle this way, no need whatsoever. She loves her gymnastics and puts all the effort into it. And yes... she's a sufferer and struggles cause she's scared of some exercises, yet she works and works until she gets them. The one coach told her yesteday she didn't work and noone was going to help her. She didn't tell me until she (wasn't) got changed today. I just don't know how much more of this I can take. This was meant to be a simple after school activity. Noone deserves to be told nasty things. Whatever happened to positive reinforcement? Why must they be so nasty? Not because she's my girl... there are many many others... not fair. She's only 9. And she suffers cause she loves gymnastics and wants to achieve it all. She won't quit but I don't know if I'm ready to put up with it much longer... I actually told her off. I'm tired of this, yet she wants to keep going. She wants to overcome her fears and move along. I so admire that attitude. It says so much about her. Anyone else (and I know of quite a few) would have quit, wouldn't have bothered, yet, she doesn't quit, she works.
I love gymnastics, and I love my Paula more than I can say. I don't like seeing her suffer and I abstolutely can't stand someone being nasty to her when she's really trying. If she needs the reasurance, what's wrong in giving it her? Don't I pay for her to train?
So difficult. In a way I don't want her to stop doing gymnastics, as I love it and she's got good qualities but in another way... where is it going to lead her anyway? It's not like she's going to make a living out of it, is she?
Oh well... I've rambled enough and I'm also feeling better, LOL! One thing's for sure. I'll always be there for her, no matter what she decides to do :D
It's about my darling daughter Paula. Ever since she was born she's been a fighter. She had to fight to live to begin with and since then she's always fought and she never gives up.
Well, she did her competition and did great but at the gym, a coach is being very mean to her, very mean (it's happened before) and she left anguished again today :( There really isn't any need to suffer and struggle this way, no need whatsoever. She loves her gymnastics and puts all the effort into it. And yes... she's a sufferer and struggles cause she's scared of some exercises, yet she works and works until she gets them. The one coach told her yesteday she didn't work and noone was going to help her. She didn't tell me until she (wasn't) got changed today. I just don't know how much more of this I can take. This was meant to be a simple after school activity. Noone deserves to be told nasty things. Whatever happened to positive reinforcement? Why must they be so nasty? Not because she's my girl... there are many many others... not fair. She's only 9. And she suffers cause she loves gymnastics and wants to achieve it all. She won't quit but I don't know if I'm ready to put up with it much longer... I actually told her off. I'm tired of this, yet she wants to keep going. She wants to overcome her fears and move along. I so admire that attitude. It says so much about her. Anyone else (and I know of quite a few) would have quit, wouldn't have bothered, yet, she doesn't quit, she works.
I love gymnastics, and I love my Paula more than I can say. I don't like seeing her suffer and I abstolutely can't stand someone being nasty to her when she's really trying. If she needs the reasurance, what's wrong in giving it her? Don't I pay for her to train?
So difficult. In a way I don't want her to stop doing gymnastics, as I love it and she's got good qualities but in another way... where is it going to lead her anyway? It's not like she's going to make a living out of it, is she?
Oh well... I've rambled enough and I'm also feeling better, LOL! One thing's for sure. I'll always be there for her, no matter what she decides to do :D
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Paula's first competition of the season
Last Saturday, Feb. 18th we headed to Mataró. Paula had her first gymnastics competition of the season. Only 5 girls in her level were signed up so it was sort of an "intimate" competition, but nice nonetheless, seeing the effort and willpower she puts in it, her enthusiasm and her liveliness :D
We got there and they started to warm up. The competition started. They did international order so they started with the vault. She did a good exercise :D
The much dreaded uneven bars, followed.... but she did it. It wasn't perfect, but... she got it done ;)
After the uneven bars, they went onto the balance beam. Always uncertain about it, as I think it's sort of a traitor and no matter how much you practice, you can always make a tiny mistake. But she did a great job with it, looked confident and happy :D
And last but not least, the floor, where she did a great routine. I was so proud of her, for putting it all, giving it all she had... what a star my girl is!
She turned 9 just 2 days before the competition and when it was over whe wanted more, LOL! Next one will be March 10-11 in Vic. We'll see what happens :D As long as she had the same entushiasm and drive I'm more than happy. I love you Paula!
We got there and they started to warm up. The competition started. They did international order so they started with the vault. She did a good exercise :D
The much dreaded uneven bars, followed.... but she did it. It wasn't perfect, but... she got it done ;)
After the uneven bars, they went onto the balance beam. Always uncertain about it, as I think it's sort of a traitor and no matter how much you practice, you can always make a tiny mistake. But she did a great job with it, looked confident and happy :D
And last but not least, the floor, where she did a great routine. I was so proud of her, for putting it all, giving it all she had... what a star my girl is!
She turned 9 just 2 days before the competition and when it was over whe wanted more, LOL! Next one will be March 10-11 in Vic. We'll see what happens :D As long as she had the same entushiasm and drive I'm more than happy. I love you Paula!
Running for Sherry
Late, yes, but finally got out there to run with and for Sherry :D She's helped me get out the door and pushed me all the way. I felt great and could tell whe was there with me. It was a nice little run, along my regular route. My calf is still not 100% but, good enough!
So, I got out there. It was a perfectly normal day until I took the kids to gymnastics. The head coach made a comment that hurt me. All of the sudden all changed and I felt tired and lethargic. I came home and ate bread and nutella (bad girl) and then, when Toni said he'd pick Paula up from gym, I said they could have dinner, I was going out for a run. Said and done.
So Sherry and I got out there and run together. It was bliss... I hadn't run since Feb. 5th and it felt sooooooooooo good, so easy... I was happy my body rememberd I could run without stopping for a while and I was even happier to have Sherry running with me. :D
Thanks for coming along Sherry. Hope you liked it as much as I did :D
So, I got out there. It was a perfectly normal day until I took the kids to gymnastics. The head coach made a comment that hurt me. All of the sudden all changed and I felt tired and lethargic. I came home and ate bread and nutella (bad girl) and then, when Toni said he'd pick Paula up from gym, I said they could have dinner, I was going out for a run. Said and done.
So Sherry and I got out there and run together. It was bliss... I hadn't run since Feb. 5th and it felt sooooooooooo good, so easy... I was happy my body rememberd I could run without stopping for a while and I was even happier to have Sherry running with me. :D
Thanks for coming along Sherry. Hope you liked it as much as I did :D
Friday, February 17, 2012
What I've been up to...
A month and 3 days ago, I still don't know how, but I managed to stop binging and eating absolutely out of control. Since then, just by eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day plus drinking my water and doing a little exercise (not as much as I wanted to) I have lost a total of 2.3kg so far. I am happy and motivated :D
On Thursday, my princess turned 9. That means that on Thursday it was 9 years since I became a mom for the first time... such lovely memories! She's competing tomorrow and is really looking forward to it, feeling confident and eager to go. Gotta love her <3. She participated in her first duathlon ever last Sunday and she did great! Here are a few pics:
We're both signed up for another one in Igualada on Feb. 26th!
I am impressed at myself at how I am able to pass on chocolate and sweets.... yesterday at school there were soooooooo many available, yet, I didn't have any at all. So proud in a way :D Hope it all pays off. I do have to admit it's no effort right now, so I'm guessing that all the planets and all the starts are in synch, LOL!
We've met a lot with Eva and family and have a great time together. The kids really get along and it's nice to see them all together :D
Pol and Jan are my boys forever... they're so cute. Pol can be a handful but he's such the biggest sweetheart ever. Jan's still our sweet teddy, such a bright and lovely little boy. I feel so blessed! Both boys will be staying at their uncle's tomorrow as we take Paula to the competition.
Passed my exams at uni, so happy about that too :D Started second term full blast, reading notes and doing exercises :D Hope to get a lot more workouts in too. Let's see if I can get that weight melting away!
Work's still great and I'm very thankful for the opportunity I've been given. I like my job and I think everyone's happy with me. I do try my best!
Here's to finding Jacky... can see her way back there, but she's coming closer everyday!!!!!
On Thursday, my princess turned 9. That means that on Thursday it was 9 years since I became a mom for the first time... such lovely memories! She's competing tomorrow and is really looking forward to it, feeling confident and eager to go. Gotta love her <3. She participated in her first duathlon ever last Sunday and she did great! Here are a few pics:
We're both signed up for another one in Igualada on Feb. 26th!
I am impressed at myself at how I am able to pass on chocolate and sweets.... yesterday at school there were soooooooo many available, yet, I didn't have any at all. So proud in a way :D Hope it all pays off. I do have to admit it's no effort right now, so I'm guessing that all the planets and all the starts are in synch, LOL!
We've met a lot with Eva and family and have a great time together. The kids really get along and it's nice to see them all together :D
Pol and Jan are my boys forever... they're so cute. Pol can be a handful but he's such the biggest sweetheart ever. Jan's still our sweet teddy, such a bright and lovely little boy. I feel so blessed! Both boys will be staying at their uncle's tomorrow as we take Paula to the competition.
Passed my exams at uni, so happy about that too :D Started second term full blast, reading notes and doing exercises :D Hope to get a lot more workouts in too. Let's see if I can get that weight melting away!
Work's still great and I'm very thankful for the opportunity I've been given. I like my job and I think everyone's happy with me. I do try my best!
Here's to finding Jacky... can see her way back there, but she's coming closer everyday!!!!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Quart de Mitja ;)
It is Sunday. It is my half marathon anniversary today, my fist anniversary. Yet, because of my demotivation and because of little training, I didn't run the half today but only the quart, a 5k. And I had a great time. It was mighty cold. I drove down, getting a ride from Xevi and Cati. Got there, had a coffee and got ready. We set out nice and slowly. Midway I met Xavi and went sort of together. He pushed me so I am really thankful for that! I crossed the finish line in 33:57, my best in a while, so I am very happy. I do have to say I am extremely tired now but it was all worth it!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Feb. 2nd... snow and running!
Yay! After a long while, I got out for a run today. I hopped on the stationary bike last night as I studied my notes for my upcoming exams and today, as school was out due to the fallen snow, and my kids had school (at theirs) until 3, I got out there. It was cold and the air was crispy but it was lovely and amazing. Not a single bit left right now but got to step on it and enjoy it just like a child :D
Here's proof!!!
Here's proof!!!
Appreciation month :D
It is appreciation month (it should always be like that). Time to remember to thank ourselves and others for just anything, sometimes, things we take for granted.
Yesterday was the first day of the month. I took time to thank my daughter for being herself, being the way she is cause that makes her super special and unique. No need to change. Love her just the way she is :D
Yesterday was the first day of the month. I took time to thank my daughter for being herself, being the way she is cause that makes her super special and unique. No need to change. Love her just the way she is :D
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Swimming again :D
This am I got up at 6:45 again and headed to the pool. I managed 750m and came home feeling great! I also went on my stationary bike last night while reading some notes... 22 miutes pedaling... not bad either!
Off to bed to get some deserved rest.
Off to bed to get some deserved rest.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Last night I didn't know wether to go for a run in the am or a swim. In the end I decided for the latter. The alarm clock went off at 6:50 and had no problem getting out of bed... that's unheard of for me, LOL!
I got ready and headed to the pool. I just wanted to swim for a while. I had 20 minutes only, as I had to shower, come back home, get kids reaady, etc. So I went in. Did 20 laps, showered, got fresh bread and came home... I arrived and I was in such a good mood. It was a lovely morning and I got to go to work, wide awake and full of energy. I don't think it gets much better :p
Last night I didn't know wether to go for a run in the am or a swim. In the end I decided for the latter. The alarm clock went off at 6:50 and had no problem getting out of bed... that's unheard of for me, LOL!
I got ready and headed to the pool. I just wanted to swim for a while. I had 20 minutes only, as I had to shower, come back home, get kids reaady, etc. So I went in. Did 20 laps, showered, got fresh bread and came home... I arrived and I was in such a good mood. It was a lovely morning and I got to go to work, wide awake and full of energy. I don't think it gets much better :p
Monday, January 23, 2012
As John Bingham says, Whether you are the first or last across a finish line, it's the same finish line!! Get out there and be proud of you! You have to be your own biggest cheerleader. You are a rockstar. Believe it.
Yes! I finally got out there!!!
Yay! Woohoo! I did it! Sunday am, the alarm went off at 7:30. I couldn't remembre why, LOL, but did after thinking a second :p I got up and got ready. Headed to Vilobí, got my bib number and set off. It was a beautiful day, cold in the early morning but very hot during the day. It was the lovliest course I've ran on, such a beautiful spot. A lovely place, so beautiful, so natural... I loved everything about it! And more so that I am finally back, yay!
I started walking until I decided it was time to pick my pace up (as much as I pick it up anyway) so in the end I ran 6.2kms and walked 4.1. Not bad at all. Very pleased and feeling very much alive. Also, I managed 28 minutes straight and that brought a smile to my face. It was great!
I managed it all in 1 hour and 25 minutes... not fast at all but 6 more miles on my legs :D :D :D And the feeling... I loved it! I felt great! Wow... I'm back and loving it!
Jacky's well on her way, woohoo!!
Here I am with Cati, Xevi's girlfriend. Such wonderful people! Might I add, perfect organization, the best volunteers... going back next year for sure :D
I started walking until I decided it was time to pick my pace up (as much as I pick it up anyway) so in the end I ran 6.2kms and walked 4.1. Not bad at all. Very pleased and feeling very much alive. Also, I managed 28 minutes straight and that brought a smile to my face. It was great!
I managed it all in 1 hour and 25 minutes... not fast at all but 6 more miles on my legs :D :D :D And the feeling... I loved it! I felt great! Wow... I'm back and loving it!
Jacky's well on her way, woohoo!!
Here I am with Cati, Xevi's girlfriend. Such wonderful people! Might I add, perfect organization, the best volunteers... going back next year for sure :D
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Kite surf
I went to Palamós today to see my grandma and take her out for lunch as a treat. Along the seafront, loads of kite surfers performed for us. It was amazing. I had never seen it before and I just loved it! Here's a photo of Paula with a few kites at the back, and another one of Oma with a few more :D
Also my mom's lemon tree and her money bush's flowers :D
Also my mom's lemon tree and her money bush's flowers :D
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