Monday, December 12, 2011


Might just be the kick I needed ;) January, here I come!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ugh... fed up

Well yes... fed up, fed up of not being able to control my eating, fed up of making excuses and fed up of not being able to make a move... eek!

I injured myself last Tuesday while runnning Sant Andreu. It was great and was reminded of why I love running so much. I tore some fibers on my left achylles so I am sidelined for just a few days. I am pleased to report no pain today or yesterday :D

Also, I have strep throat and I'm not at my best but it works out nice... resting both body/throat and leg to come back stronger for sure!

Anyway... time to make a move and look forward and allow myself to fall but only to pick myself back up and keep going.

Bring it on... this is it... I need to find the new Jacky, she's waiting for me and I want to go get her!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So difficult...

This Jacky is difficult to find but make no mistake... I'll end up finding her! It might take a while but hey...

Saw The Butterfly Circus yesterday... what a powerful message... wow! Loved it!

Hoping to get moving soon soon soon... my body's asking for it and I'll be closer to finding Jacky!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 1 I guess

So, today was better, I think, than other days. I have to stop my "auto mode". Need to focus on that. I've been able to have control in the evening... amazing!

Rain, rain, go away... I'd like to go for a run or a walk at least!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This is it!

Enough is enough. I can't take it anymore. Changes need to happen. Why? Well... I just need a change. I need to be able to control my eating. I want to feel good and not feel embarrassed to have to see people and me being bigger and bigger.

Finding Jacky, the "new", yet, the one that's always been there. I will find her, no question about it. One step at a time... it is known... a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!

Here I come!!!!